基本繩結 - 平結 Reef Knot / Square Knot
基本繩結 - 平結 Reef Knot / Square Knot
正如其名所示,這個結可說是所有繩結中的基本。英文稱為「 Reef Knot」或「Square Knot」;在日本則稱為「片結」「駒結」「真結」。雖然這個結在日常生活中使用的頻率很高,但缺點是如果相綁的材質和粗細不同,就很容易鬆脫,通常都是同一條繩子或布邊要相綁時會打這個結。例如綁包袱巾或頭巾。不過,如果能在尾端打個防脫結,就能提高強度不少,就算粗細不同的線也能綁得很牢。平結的另一個缺點是綁太緊就很難鬆綁,如果要彌補這點,可以打個一拉尾端就鬆的「花結」(蝴蝶結)。打抱行李時只要把其中一邊打成鬆脫結(Slipped Knot)的「單邊蝴蝶結」就很方便。在釣魚的應用上,這個結通常是用來綁魚竿袋的。
如果弄錯繩子尾端交叉的方向,就打成了「縱結」(Vertical Square Knot),不但讓強度大打折扣,而且也很難解開,所以要特別注意。
Reef Knot / Square Knot is a basic knot, it's frequently used in daily life; the disadvantage of this knot is if the materials and size of two strings is different, it is easy to be loosen; this problem can be overcome by adding a stop knot at the end of the string after the reef knot is done. This knot is usually used when tying two ends of the same string.
Another disadvantage of this knot is that if you do the knot right, it is hard to loose, one way to overcome this is to use a butterfly knot or slipped knot as ending.
Beware the direction of the ending knot, don't make it a vertical square knot, which is hard to loose but weak in strength.
In fishing, this knot is used in tying up rods and bags.